Leadership Development Programs

Developing leaders is critical to changing cultural norms, increasing employee performance, and improving organizational problem solving and effectiveness.

Enhance your leadership development programs, improve participant performance and satisfaction, and achieve other targeted objectives by incorporating a world-renowned assessment by Human Synergistics.

Our feedback tools can be used to reinforce leadership skills covered in introductory to advanced leadership courses and programs focusing on:

  • Developing High-Potential Leaders
  • Front-line Leader Development
  • Manager-to-Leader Transition
  • Succession Development
  • Leading Effective Teams
  • Executive Development

With assessments capable of identifying leadership skills, leadership qualities, emotional intelligence, and other attributes that make a good leader, our leadership development programs can help you to develop the future leaders of your organization.

VIDEO: Learn about the five primary features of Human Synergistics surveys and feedback reports that escalate the impact of leadership development programs

Our leadership development-based assessments include:

  • Life Styles InventoryTM (LSI) – Designed to measure and help individuals develop Constructive thinking and behavioural styles, LSI also assesses leaders’ job satisfaction and effectiveness in areas such as interpersonal relationships and problem-solving. The LSI is ideal for any HR leadership development program for coaching new, emerging, and high-potential leaders (as well as those with years of experience). The LSI  focuses on replacing self-protective and self-promoting behaviours with more effective, growth-oriented, personal styles that are the essence of leadership.
  • ACUMEN® Leadership WorkStylesTM (LWS) – LWS focuses on the combinations of thinking and behavioural styles that promote high performance. The feedback report provides leaders with a personalized narrative on the implications of their strongest styles for task accomplishment and teamwork, as well as suggestions for improving their effectiveness. The LWS is ideal for developing high potential leaders and teams based on the use of valid and reliable survey results presented in a descriptive and supportive manner.
  • Management/Impact® (M/I) – Providing managers insights into how to carry out their role and responsibilities more effectively, M/I is ideal for line managers, project managers, senior managers, supervisors, and others with managerial responsibilities. This feedback tool is particularly useful in the context of culture change programs, focusing on the development of management approaches that have a Constructive impact on subordinates and peers.
  • Leadership/Impact® (L/I) – One of our most popular assessments, L/I provides senior executives, HR leaders, and other key members with targeted 360-degree feedback on their leadership strategies and impact on others. 

    L/I enables leaders to identify and compare their impact on the people around them to their ideal impact–and to understand and develop leadership strategies that will bring the former into alignment with the latter. L/I is ideal for executive development and cultivating collaborative leadership teams and for promoting long-term culture change at the top of the organization.

Use the table below to select the leadership development plans and assessments that best meet your organization’s change and development objectives (in terms of your audiences, desired key learnings, and planned applications).

Contact us to discuss your leadership program goals and options for integrating Human Synergistics assessments: