Working With Us

We’re here to help you to achieve genuine change at any level of your organization. Whether you’re looking for external support to guide your strategy or have the capability in-house, our world-class network of accredited practitioners can support you along the way.

Coaching & Consulting

Our consultants are recognized world-class professionals with extensive experience in the process of creating sustainable individual, group, and organizational performance. They provide thought leadership and can work directly with you to help you achieve your business goals and objectives.

Our Global Change Circle

We have a global network of accredited professionals using the Human Synergistics diagnostic system and helping us to achieve our mission of Changing the World — One Organization at a Time®.

Become Accredited

Empower your staff or yourself with our Accreditation Workshops. We give people the skills to transform organizations from the inside out.

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Our Integrated Approach

Our Integrated Diagnostic System uses the Circumplex to display visual feedback for individuals, teams, managers, leaders, and organizations, enabling you to use a common language at all levels.

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Case Studies

Find out how other organizations are creating change and achieving results.

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Build sustainable change

Find out how we can support you and your organization with expert experience and advice.