Coaching & Consulting
Our world-class consultants have extensive experience in improving the performance of leaders, teams, and organizations in sustainable ways. They provide thought leadership to certified practitioners and can work directly with you and your organization to achieve meaningful change and development.

Organizational Culture Development
Changing the Culture of any organization begins with an accurate and reliable assessment of its culture. But that is only the first step. Culture Change Leaders (internal and/or external) need to help the leadership team develop key initiatives for real and lasting change.
These initiatives could include leadership development, Human Resource Management initiatives, and/or organizational development.
Our consultants are experts in:
- working with the Human Synergistics assessments to measure your organization’s culture in terms of values and norms and interpreting the results;
- supporting you in defining and implementing a customized cultural change initiative with our Think Blue Campaign™;
- discerning the impact of culture on outcomes at the individual, team and organizational levels and identifying the systems, structures, and other factors that are leading to and reinforcing Defensive norms;
- helping you develop business models, organizational structures, human resource management systems, redesigned jobs, and leadership and communication skills that lead to a more Constructive culture;
- managing the organizational development process in ways that maximize the acceptance of change and the effectiveness of implementation.
Leadership and Management Development Consulting Options
The importance of leadership development in improving the culture of the organization cannot be understated. Leaders and managers both directly and indirectly influence the cultures of their organizations. Their direct influence stems from their own thinking and behaviour styles, as well as their strategies for leading and managing the people around them. Their indirect influence results from the decisions they make and the systems, structures, and technologies they put into place. Our consultants offer expertise in:
- working with Human Synergistics assessments to help your leaders and managers understand their personal styles and strategies, their impact on people and the culture within which they work, and their effectiveness;
- coaching and guiding your leaders and managers in setting personal and professional development goals and plans to reach those goals;
- helping your leaders to understand the implications of the systems and structures they put into place and, more generally, the need to align decisions and solutions with organizational values and the ideal culture;
- supporting you in designing and delivering a complete management and leadership assessment and development system, from the C-Suite level to the front-line supervisory level.
Group Development and Team Building Consulting Options
Teams work best when they practice and exhibit Constructive styles and when their members approach problems in a rational, interpersonally supportive manner. One of the most effective ways to start moving teams and their members in this direction is to provide them with qualitative and quantitative feedback on their styles and processes. Our consultants are experts in:
- observing and facilitating team discussions, allowing the leader to participate as a member;
- using our surveys and observation techniques with teams (while solving either real or simulated problems) to identify styles or processes that are interfering with effectiveness;
- assisting teams in applying proven interaction and problem-solving processes to improve performance;
- building a team culture and climate that encourage and support excellence.
Please contact us if you would like more information about our consulting services and how we can bring change to your organization. We look forward to working with you.