Research & Publications
Our surveys and inventories have been used by both the business community to promote change and development and by the academic community to better understand the causes and outcomes of behavior within organizations.

The items below includes books, articles, research briefs, reports, and dissertations that describe either the reliability and validity of our products or ways in which our products have been used. Some articles are available on our website, while others are not due to copyright. Copies of books and research reports can be obtained by contacting the publishers; copies of articles can be obtained through university libraries or the inter-library loan system; and copies of dissertations can be obtained by contacting UMI Dissertation Services (phone: +1-800-521-0600; website:
The framework, language, and understanding gained through implementing the OCI-OEI will help leaders, integration teams, and other subgroups practice and demonstrate constructive behaviors and interact more effectively.
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- ACUMEN® Leadership WorkStyles™ (LWS)
- Bushfire Survival Situation™
- Cascades Survival Situation™
- Constructive Negotiations Challenge™
- Critical Thinking Challenge™
- Culture for Diversity Inventory™
- Desert Survival Situation™
- Ethical Decision Challenge™
- Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI)
- Leadership/Impact® (L/I)
- Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)
- Management Effectiveness Profile System™ (MEPS)
- Management/Impact® (M/I)
- Observer’s Guide™
- Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®)
- Organizational Effectiveness Inventory® (OEI)
- Performance Management Challenge™
- Project Planning Situation™
- Stress Processing Report™ (SPR)
- Subarctic Survival Situation
Leslie, Jean Brittain. Feedback to Managers: A Guide to Reviewing and Selecting Multirater Instruments for Leadership Development (4th ed.). Center for Creative Leadership (2013). DOI: [PDF]
McCabe, Melissa. “360-Degree Feedback: A Personal Case Study.” Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference, Rochester, MI, USA, May 2017. [PDF]
Wiley, Donna L. “Developing Managers in the Former Soviet Union.” International Studies of Management & Organizations, 24, no. 4 (1994): 64-82. DOI:
Thomas-Hunt, Melissa C., and Katherine W. Phillips. “When What You Know Is Not Enough: Expertise and Gender Dynamics in Task Groups.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, no. 12 (2004): 1585–1598. DOI: Summary articles: Kellogg-Northwestern and NYTimes
Szumal, Janet L. “How to Use Group Problem Solving Simulations to Improve Teamwork.” In The 2000 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2000). [PDF]
Szumal, Janet L. “Four Steps to Building Better Teams.” In The 2001 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2001). [PDF]
Szumal, Janet L. “How to Use Group Problem Solving Simulations to Improve Teamwork.” In The 2000 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2000). [PDF]
Szumal, Janet L. “Four Steps to Building Better Teams.” In The 2001 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2001). [PDF]
Jeris, Laurel H. An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Team Process Interventions and Double-Loop Learning. PhD diss., Northern Illinois University 1997. [Link]
Brown, Damon J. “Perceived Effective Policing through Leaderships’ Diversity Training Learning Outcomes and Cultural Competence.” PhD diss., Grand Canyon University (2019). [Link]
Whitfield, Gwendolyn. “Culture and the Effectiveness of Supplier Diversity Programs: A Test of Predictors.” PhD diss., Western Michigan University, 2003. [Link]
Whitfield, Gwendolyn and Dan Farrell. “Diversity In Supply Chains: What Really Matters?” Journal of Diversity Management, 5, no. 4 (2010): 31-42.
Whitfield, Gwendolyn and Robert Landeros. “Supplier Diversity Effectiveness: Does Organizational Culture Really Matter?” The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 42, no. 4 (2006): 16-28. DOI: /10.1111/j.1745-493X.2006.00019.x [PDF]
Bottom, William P. and Nicholas Baloff. “A Diagnostic Model for Team Building with an Illustrative Application.” Human Resources Development Quarterly, 5, no. 4 (1994): 317-336. [Link]
Burgoon, Judee K., Fang Chen, and Douglas P. Twitchell. “Deception and Its Detection Under Synchronous and Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication.” Group Decision and Negotiation, 19, no. 4 (2010): 345-366.
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Dyer, William G. Team Building: Issues and Alternatives (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley (1987). DOI:
Elson, J. S., Douglas C. Derrick and Gina S. Ligon. “Trusting a Humanoid Robot: Exploring Personality and Trusting Effects in a Human-Robot Partnership.” Proceedings for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, USA (January 2020): 543-552. [Link]
Giessner, Steffen R. and Amelie Mummendey. “United We Win, Divided We Fail? Effects of Cognitive Merger Representations and Performance Feedback on Merging Groups.” European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, no. 3(2008): 412-435. [Link]
Gordon, Ilanit, Sebastian Wallot and Yair Berson. Group-Level Physiological Synchrony and Individual-Level Anxiety Predict Positive Affective Behaviors During a Group Decision-Making Task.” Psychophysiology, 58, no. 9 (2021): e13857. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13857
Hauber, J., H. Regenbrecht, A. Hills, A. Cockburn, and M. Billinghurst. “Social Presence in Two- and Three-Dimensional Videoconferencing.” In Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Workshop on Presence. London (2005): 189-198. [Link]
Heerdink, Marc W., Gerben A. van Kleef, Astrid C. Homan and Agneta H. Fischer. “On the Social Influence of Emotions in Groups: Interpersonal Effects of Anger and Happiness on Conformity Versus Deviance.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, no. 2 (2013): 262-284. DOI:10.1037/a0033362 [Link]
Henningsen, David D. and Mary Lynn Miller Henningsen. “The Role of Expertise and Expressiveness in Decision-Making Groups.” Communication Quarterly, 63, no. 4 (2015):463-479.
Littlepage, Glenn E. and Amy L. Mueller. “Recognition and Utilization of Expertise in Problem-Solving Groups: Expert Characteristics and Behavior.” Group Dynamics Theory Research and Practice, 1, no. 4 (1997):324-328.
Littlepage, Glenn E., William Robinson and Kelly Reddington. “Effects of Task Experience and Group Experience on Group Performance, Member Ability, and Recognition of Expertise.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69, no. 2. (1997): 133-147.
Littlepage, Glenn E., Greg W. Schmidt, Eric W. Whisler and Alan G. Frost. “An Input-Process-Output Analysis of Influence and Performance in Problem-Solving Groups.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, no. 5 (1995): 877–889.
Liu, Conghui, Li Yuan, Chuansheng Chen and Guoliang Yu. “Authentic and Hubristic Pride as Assessed by Self, Friends, and Strangers.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, no. 7 (2016): 690-696.
Murphy, Susan E., Dewey Blyth and Fred. E. Fiedler. “Cognitive Resource Theory and the Utilization of the Leader’s and Group Members’ Technical Competence.” The Leadership Quarterly, 3, no. 3 (1992): 237-255.
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Rus, Diana, Daan van Knippenberg, and Barbara Wisse. “Leader Power and Self-Serving Behavior: The Moderating Role of Accountability.” The Leadership Quarterly, 23, no. 1 (2012): 13-26. DOI:
Silberman, M. L. and Elain Biech. Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples and Tips. John Wiley & Sons (2015).
Sundstrom, Eric, Paul L. Busby and Warren S. Bobrow. “Group Processes and Performance: Interpersonal Behaviors and Decision Quality in Group Problem Solving By Consensus.” Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, no. 3 (1997): 241-253.
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Szumal, Janet L. “Four Steps to Building Better Teams.” In The 2000 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2001). [PDF]
Tarakci, Murat, Lindred L, Greer and Patrick J. F. Groenen. “When Does Power Disparity Help or Hurt Group Performance?” Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, no. 3 (2016): 415-429.
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Wiltermuth, Scott, Larissa Z. Tiedens and Margaret Neale. “The Benefits of Dominance Complementarity in Negotiations.” Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 8, no. 3 (2015): 194–209.
Wisse, Barbara and Diana Rus. “Leader Self-Concept and Self-Interested Behavior: The Moderating Role of Power.” Journal of Personnel Psychology, 11, no. 1 (2012): 40-48.
Szumal, Janet L. An Examination of the Multiple-Level Effects of Gender and Race on Group Problem Solving. PhD diss., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1995. DOI: 10.1353/dem.2008.0004
Szumal, Janet L. “How to Use Group Problem Solving Simulations to Improve Teamwork.” In The 2000 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2000). [PDF]
Anderson, C. Vincent, “The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Teams Using the BcubeTM Process” (2001). PhD diss., Andrews University, 2001.
Aqlan, Faisal, Qi Dunsworth, and Mary L. Kahl. “Integrating Soft Skill Development into a Manufacturing Systems Course.” 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Pennsylvania, PA, USA (2018).
Balthazard, Pierre A., Richard E. Potter, and John Warren. “The Effects of Extraversion and Expertise on Virtual Team Interaction and Performance.” In HICSS 2002, (2002): 269. [Link]
Balthazard, Pierre A, Richard E. Potter, and John Warren. “Expertise, Extraversion and Group Interaction Styles as Performance Indicators in Virtual Teams: How Do Perceptions of IT’s Performance Get Formed?” Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 35, no. 1 (2004):41-64.
Balthazard, Pierre A., David A. Waldman, and Leeanne E. Atwater. “The Mediating Effects of Leadership and Interaction Style in Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams.” In Leadership at a Distance: Research in Technologically-Supported Work, edited by Suzanne P. Weisband. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers (2008): 127-150. [Link]
Balthazard, Pierre A., David Waldman, Jane Howell, and Leanne Atwater. “Shared Leadership and Group Interaction Styles in Problem-Solving Virtual Teams.” Proceedings for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, USA (January 2004): 37. [Link]
Balthazard, Pierre A., David Waldman, and John E. Warren. “Predictors of the Emergence of Transformational Leadership in Virtual Decision Teams.” The Leadership Quarterly, 20, no. 5 (2009): 651-663. DOI:
Cooke, Robert A., and Janet L. Szumal. “The Impact of Group Interaction Styles on Problem-Solving Effectiveness.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 30, no. 4 (1994): 415-437. DOI:
Dekker, Daphne M. “Global Virtual Teams: Enhancing Effectiveness.” PhD diss., Eindhoven University of Technology, 2008. [Link]
Jeris, Laurel H. An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Team Process Interventions and Double-Loop Learning. PhD diss., Northern Illinois University 1997. [Link]
Pojarliev, Alexander. “Using the Results of Problem-Solving Simulations to Improve Group Learning.” In Education Applications & Developments IX, Chapter 35, edited by Mafalda Carmo. Science Press (2023): 416-426. DOI:
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Potter, Richard E., and Pierre A. Balthazard. “Virtual Team Interaction Styles: Assessment and Effects.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 56, no. 4 (2002): 423–443. DOI:
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Szumal, Janet L. “Four Steps to Building Better Teams.” In The 2000 Team and Organization Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman and Patricia Philips, McGraw Hill (2001). [PDF]
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Leslie, Jean Brittain. Feedback to Managers: A Guide to Reviewing and Selecting Multirater Instruments for Leadership Development (4th ed.). Center for Creative Leadership (2013). DOI: [PDF]
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Masi, Ralph J. and Robert A. Cooke. “Effects of Transformational Leadership on Subordinate Motivation, Empowering Norms, and Organizational Productivity.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 8, no. 1 (2000): 16-47. DOI:
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Szumal, Janet L. “The Essence of Leadership,” 2002, White paper. [Link]
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Boglarsky, Cheryl A. and Catherine T. Kwantes. “Conflict Perceptions and Their Role in Manager’s Choice of Resolution Style.” Fourth Biennial Conference on Intercultural Research, Kent, OH, USA (2005). [Link]
Boglarsky, Cheryl A. and Catherine T. Kwantes. “Who is Happy and Why? Subjective Well-Being and Associated Thinking Styles of US and Canadian students.” 17th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2005). [Link]
Butler, Andrea M., Catherine T. Kwantes and Cheryl A. Boglarsky. “The Effects of Self-Awareness on Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness in the Hospitality Industry: A Cross Cultural Investigation.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, May (2014): 87-98.
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Gratzinger, Peter D., Ronald A. Warren, and Robert A. Cooke. “Psychological Orientations and Leadership: Thinking Styles That Differentiate Between Effective and Ineffective Managers.” In Measures of Leadership, edited by Kenneth E. Clark and Miriam B. Clark, 239-247. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership, 1990.
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Masi, Ralph J. and Robert A. Cooke. “Effects of Transformational Leadership on Subordinate Motivation, Empowering Norms, and Organizational Productivity.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 8, no. 1 (2000): 16-47.
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Szumal, Janet L., Cheryl A. Boglarsky, and Robert A. Cooke. “Thinking and Behavioral Styles as Described by Self Versus Others: A Replication and Extension with Male and Female Managers.” Management Review Quarterly, 72, no. 3 (2021):1-30. [PDF article summary & abstract]
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