Organizational Development Research on Virtual Teams during COVID-19

Human Synergistics is carrying out a new research project focusing on virtual teams and the relationship between group styles and outcomes such as solution effectiveness.


  • Collect data on the styles and effectiveness of problem-solving virtual teams (VT)—including face-to-face (FTF) teams that have recently transitioned into virtual teams.
  • Generate composite Group Styles Inventory (GSI) profiles of VTs and compare their styles to those of VTs studied approximately 15 years ago.
  • Carry out statistical analyses (including those used in earlier studies) to:
    • Replicate previous findings regarding the positive impact of Constructive group styles on solution acceptance and perceived quality;
    • Replicate previous findings regarding the negative impact of Defensive group styles on solution acceptance and perceived quality; and
    • Explore differences (with respect to group styles and effectiveness) between established VTs versus FTF teams transitioning to virtual interactions

Research Sample

  • Problem-solving teams in various organizations across industries and in at least three countries.
  • While all types of teams (e.g., executive, project, planning, etc.) are eligible to participate, the GSI must be administered immediately following a problem-solving or decision-making meeting.
  • Teams composed of between 5 and 15 members.
  • Up to four teams in each participating organization, optimally including:
    • Two teams that have traditionally operated on a virtual basis
    • Two FTF teams that have recently transitioned to virtual operations.

Other Benefits

  • Provide timely feedback to participating teams and their members on their group styles.
  • Enable participating teams to analyze their styles, select one Constructive and one Defensive style for development, and identify specific behaviors that can be changed to strengthen the former and weaken the latter.


Accredited Practitioners Internal to Organizations:
Human Synergistics will provide complimentary Digital GSI credits for up to four teams in your organization.

Accredited Practitioners External to Organizations:
Human Synergistics will provide complimentary Digital GSI credits for up to four teams in two organizations of your choice (for a total of 8 teams).

Human Synergistics will make available additional Digital GSI credits, as well as related materials such as the Life Styles Inventory™,  after the initial survey administration for a two-month period. Human Synergistics will offer these materials at its standard 25% research discount to organizations that grant permission for the additional data collected to be used for research purposes. All data are treated with the strictest confidentiality.

If you would like to know more about the Organizational Development Research on Virtual Teams project, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.