Performance to Potential

Maria Ferrante, Consultant

It is my pleasure to have a long-standing partnership with HS for over a decade. We’ve worked together for many different projects with clients all over the world. The tools have always proven a key component of the positive outcomes we’ve obtained both in individual and organizational development. They help us build a common understanding and design a clear roadmap to get to the desired changes with simplicity, depth and accuracy.

In 2019, for instance, we partnered with a client in the Supply Chain industry in the UK to transform the culture of this 40,000-employee operation. The starting point was a comprehensive diagnostic of the culture, combining OCI® (Organizational Culture Inventory®) with in-depth interviews with over 60 members of the culture. Next, leaders in the top two tiers across the business embarked on an individual and collective leadership development journey using LWS (ACUMEN® Leadership WorkStyles™). We are currently in year 3 of this project, cascading culture transformation activities into the various teams. We are observing significant impacts on cross-team collaboration, enhanced leadership and communication, an increased engagement.

My areas of expertise: • Leadership coaching / development • Culture assessment and development. Accredited in OCI, OEI, L/I, and Styles assessments. Partnering with HS since 2007.

Maria Ferrante, Consultant