Our accreditation program prepares change agents to use the Human Synergistics integrated suite of assessments and simulations to produce measurable improvements in individuals, groups, and organisations. This network of change agents supports us in our mission of Changing the World — One Organisation at a Time®.
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Becoming Accredited
Gaining accreditation equips professionals with the tools and skills to help them measurably impact the effectiveness of the organisation(s) they support.
Accreditation Workshops
Our remote and onsite workshops prepare you to expertly apply our assessments, surveys, and simulations to meet a variety of organisational change and development goals, including developing effective employees and teams, enhancing the impact of leaders, and building Constructive cultures.

How Culture Works
What does ‘culture’ really mean, how does it work, and what impact does it have on performance? Take an interactive journey to get an overview of How Culture Works.

Our Global Change Circle
We have a global network of accredited professionals using the Human Synergistics integrated diagnostic system and helping us to achieve our mission.

From news and events to articles, case studies, and white papers, our extensive knowledge base has the latest news and insights on all things culture.
Change Begins Here
Find out how you can become accredited to support change within your organisation.