Holiday Greetings from HS Canada

Seasons greetings: a message from allan stewart, two people walking on a snowy path

A letter from the President of Human Synergistics Canada

Season’s Greetings Everyone:

As 2021 winds to a close, I wanted to share my thoughts on the past year, as well as my hopes for the future. Now, more than any other time, we must continue to think and act in Constructive ways. For, it is only by continuing to control how we think and feel about ourselves, our relationships with others, and the tasks ahead of us can we emerge from this pandemic as strong (or stronger) than we were before.

  1. Look for creative ways to solve the problems facing your business. Most of you have developed great online methods to hold virtual coaching, training & development. Some have revamped old, tired programs and dropped outdated assessments. Several have beefed up their teambuilding programs by incorporating the new online GSI. Others have realized that there has never been a more pressing need to assess and change an organization’s culture. The number of creative solutions to this crisis is limitless. (Self-Actualizing)
  2. Continue to set new goals for yourself and help your clients do the same. I have been pleasantly surprised with how many of you have been able to convince your clients to still invest in training and development. This means that you have not given up – but realize individual effort counts. And those who understand this are making a difference. (Achievement)
  3. Understand that many of your clients and colleagues are struggling in their efforts to try and navigate through this crisis. Now, more than ever, they need sage advice and trustworthy guidance. Remember that a third of your clients and colleagues will be feeling despair and helplessness, while another third will be angry and resentful. Both groups, more than ever before, need your help. I have always been impressed with the caliber of the consultants who work with us. Now is the time to use all of your skills to steer your clients through this mess. (Humanistic-Encouraging)
  4. Our philosophy has always been that we view our clients as Partners – that our success is determined by their success. I invite you all to not only view us as your partners, but do the same with your clients. The more that we all work together the better we will be able to help your client organizations solve the problems facing them right now. (Affiliative)

As a final thought, please remember that one of Abraham Lincoln’s favourite sayings was; “This too shall pass.”

Take care and as much as you are able, enjoy this time with your family and friends.



About the Author

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Allan Stewart

Allan Stewart has been the president of Human Synergistics Canada since 1996. His unique background combines a successful general management career with extensive workshop training experience and a varied academic career. Allan has conducted training programs for organizations in retail, finance, mining, manufacturing, energy, athletics, education, health care and various sectors of the government. He was a senior executive with Sears Canada Inc. and has been a professor at McMaster University and Sheridan College. He received his B.Com. from Queen’s University and his M.B.A. from Wilfrid Laurier University. Allan has over 30 years experience in developing and conducting training workshops. His past clients have included some of the largest and most successful organizations in Canada. He has trained executives, first-line supervisors, trainers, sales-people and line workers. He has been an instructor with the Executive Development Programs at McMaster, York Universities and the Ontario Police College. He has been a key-note speaker on television and at a number of professional conferences. He is considered a leading expert on organizational culture and development. Allan’s dynamic training style and practical approach make him a popular workshop facilitator who has helped people throughout Canada and internationally. He has written articles and workbooks on a variety of subjects, including culture, leadership, stress management, change leadership, entrepreneurship and selling. As well, Allan Stewart is a skilled consultant, interacting with individuals, teams and companies.  As a volunteer, Allan has conducted leadership skills workshops for youth in Canada's native communities and in third world countries. He has lead several charitable organizations, coached minor sports for over 20 years, counseled elite athletes, and developed and lead young entrepreneurs' programs.