Webinar 19.03.2024
5 things to know before measuring company culture – John van Etten – Human Synergistics
Webinar 19.03.2024
5 things to know before measuring company culture – John van Etten – Human Synergistics
Webinar – How Culture drives Diversity & Inclusion 21.11.23 Speaker – Dr. Maria Mycielska – Independent consultant and an expert at ICAN Institute
Speaker at Human Synergistics Interconnext GmbH Regional meeting in October 2023 Speaker – Niti Khosla – Global Head of culture – Straumann Group
As few as 10% of leaders in the leadership role are naturally gifted to be there. The others need support, or as I like to see it, a guide to help build the awareness and acceptance of behavioural change that ultimately leads to empowered, high performing teams. The “golden chalice” for any organisation.
Dive into the diverse cultures across industries. Discover how they define their ideal cultures and the impact of culture on performance. Get ready for an enlightening session!
Too many questions! Justifying HS tools in an over-surveyed business world
Next level Leadership – this unique approach combines cutting-edge diagnostics (Leadership Impact®) with an experiential session with horses to provide a truly transformative learning experience.
Culture & Innovation – John Van Etten
Pieter van der Veen – How to encourage clients to re-measure and the benefits of this
Nicola Meier – Why feeling safe is essential for successful leaders
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