
Developed by Janet L. Szumal, Ph.D. and Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D.

Management/Impact (M/I) is a feedback tool developed especially for mid- to lower-level managers and others with management responsibilities.

M/I is Internationally proven and aligned with best-practice academic and psychometric standards, M/I uses self-assessment and 360 feedback to gauge managers’ strengths and areas for development — a vital step towards ensuring their ‘fit’ with your organization’s vision, values, and strategies.

How it works

M/I has two components:

  1. M/I Self-Report Inventory: The manager takes a self-assessment of his/her leadership approach and the impact he/she would like to have on others.
  2. M/I Description-by-Others Inventory: Up to 12 of the manager’s peers, higher-level managers, and/or direct reports (all chosen by the manager) provide feedback on his/her management approach, impact, and overall effectiveness.

The data collected in the surveys are processed electronically, and results and recommendations are presented to the manager in a confidential, comprehensive report. A Human Synergistics consultant or accredited practitioner then guides the manager through the findings and helps him/her develop a strategy to close the gap between the way he/she is perceived now and the manager who he/she wants (and needs) to be.

The M/I are available online and in hard copy format.

Complementary tools

To maximize your results, we recommend applying M/I in tandem with the Group Styles Inventory™ and/or Organizational Culture Inventory®. Together, they enable an integrated approach to developing individual-, group-, and organizational-level thinking and behavioral styles.

You can also use M/I alongside Leadership/Impact® as an integrated approach to developing your senior leaders.

The Benefits

The M/I assessment will help you get the best from your management team, with a dual focus on their management approach and their effects on (and the behavior they encourage in) others. They’ll discover ways toimprove their long-term effectiveness and influence, and ultimately strengthen their ability to meet your organization’s goals.

M/I is particularly valuable as part of initiatives focused on management development, personal development, cultural development, or organizational development. You can use it as the basis for:

  • initiating or promoting management development
  • coaching individual managers
  • evaluating your management development initiatives
  • promoting a healthy organizational culture
  • enhancing organizational effectiveness

Make M/I part of your drive for change

M/I is best applied by people who’ve been trained to use it. We offer two options:

  • A trained and experienced Human Synergistics consultant can help you use M/I and implement the change you seek. Simply contact us to find a consultant who’s right for you.
  • You can ‘do it yourself’ by arranging M/I accreditation for one or more of your team members. This will ensure they have the skills to administer M/I and implement meaningful improvement strategies. To get started, register for an upcoming accreditation workshop.

If you would like to know more about Management/Impact, or any of our other 360 assessments, teach out to us and we will be happy to assist you.