The AMA DISC Survey™
Research and development by Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D.
Based on William Marston’s DISC framework, The AMA DISC Survey measures the four basic styles of behavior: Directing, Influencing, Supportive, and Contemplative.
Marston’s model has been used for more than 40 years as a feedback process for individuals to understand their personal styles and the strengths and weaknesses within each style. In this case, no style is inherently better or worse than the others and all styles can contribute to (and potentially detract from) individual and group effectiveness.
The AMA DISC Survey is unique in that it not only measures the strength of each style, but also separates out the productive and counterproductive aspects of each style. This allows for considerably more analysis, particularly in terms of development planning.

Unique Characteristics of The AMA DISC Survey
The AMA DISC Survey enables you to:
- specifically assess on-the-job behaviors (not general personality preferences).
- plan more effective programs using feedback on both productive and counterproductive traits—so you know what to build on and what to work on.
- get immediate results, including charts, graphs, and summaries.
- be confident that results are accurate: The AMA DISC Survey meets American Psychological Association and American Educational Research Association standards for reliability and validity.
The AMA DISC Survey is available online on almost any digital device as well as in hard copy (including self-scoring) format.
The personal styles are relevant to programs focusing on:
- personal development, time management, interpersonal relations, and emotional intelligence
- team-building, problem-solving, and decision-making
- conflict management and organizational change
If you would like to know more about The AMA DISC Survey, or any of our wide range of assessments, please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.