Positively impacting society on a global scale through culture awareness, education and action.

Organizational culture is created through behaviors that grow into norms that influence how we behave at work. Therefore, culture change will occur when leaders begin to consistently exhibit new or different behaviors, setting the example for others to follow. Culture is stronger than any single leader, and once leaders start rowing together they become a powerful force.

Now that organizations have moved to a remote environment, developing a successful virtual team is critical to maintain productivity. Communication, collaboration, and negotiation are all skills that help successful teams make key decisions that lead to organizational effectiveness.

Taking the lead to create a more Constructive culture through your behavior, decisions, and interactions will not only help to breed talent, it will also help your organization to be more effective overall.

In change leadership we talk about “organizational readiness” to prepare employees to embrace change. Rarely do we speak of “leadership readiness.” Yet, year after year, the lack of sponsorship is the number one cause of change failing to meet its objectives. Perhaps it’s time to talk about “leadership readiness.”

Through the power of constructive conflict, an organizational culture of engaged, passionate, purposeful, loyal and connected employees can be sustained in ways that are measurable in profits and immeasurable in quality of contribution to the greater whole.