In today’s ever-evolving workplace, adaptability is crucial—not just a welcomed advantage, but a fundamental necessity for staying relevant and thriving. Achieving success goes beyond just sketching out goals and strategies; it’s about consistently reviewing our progress and adjusting our sails as needed. Developing constructive leaders, fostering unified teams, and nurturing an achievement-oriented organizational culture are […]

Create sustainable, high-performance cultures and impact the world.
Experienced consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can contribute greatly to guiding organizations towards their cultural objectives. These change agents offer perspectives that go beyond conventional practice to provide tailored strategies that help leaders with their constructive impact or in discovering their organizational potential. By leveraging a skilled consultant, leaders can navigate the complexities […]
In a world where technology and innovation are constantly reshaping landscapes, education is no exception. Immersive learning, with its hands-on, real-world scenarios, has emerged as a cornerstone in today’s educational environment. At the forefront of this movement is Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), an institution renowned for its innovative spirit and steadfast dedication to combining business expertise with […]
But my industry is different! … We often hear this from our clients when we present data-based evidence that Constructive organizational norms lead to increased effectiveness, while Defensive norms decrease effectiveness. But are industry-specific norms and expectations for interacting with others and approaching work hindering our potential for success? Let’s dive deeper. The Impact of Industry Standards on […]
Artificial Intelligence is not just changing our future; it’s transforming our present. How do leaders navigate this rapid technological evolution? The answer lies in Constructive leadership styles and cultural norms. In our latest blog post, “Embracing Constructive Styles for Organizational Success in the Era of AI,” we explore how these styles equip leaders and teams to tackle AI’s challenges and opportunities head-on. Read on to discover strategies for fostering innovation, empowering employees, and ensuring that your organization thrives in the AI era.
Values are a key part of your organization’s culture; they affect the entire organization and its members. They can spill over to the community, influence what other organizations in your country do, and even change the world.
Whether you are leading an organization located in a single country or one that operates in multiple countries around the world, cultivating a productive organizational culture has never been more important.
It seems appropriate to suggest an approach with an emphasis on culture for addressing the current challenges leaders may be facing either with respect to quiet quitting or, more generally, the impact of work environments on employee motivation, health, and performance.
As organizations implement its cultural improvement activities, the culture consultant will be there to coach and advise the leadership team on how to deal with various implementation issues, risks, resistance, and other challenges that might come up. Optimally, the culture consultant draws on deep organizational knowledge and experience to provide this support.
Probably the most common issue of supporting team-building activities is justifying the time and expense. This has always been a problem in the business world, but if your organization wants to operate in a constructive and effective way, the importance of team building and cost of related learning activities is cheap when compared to the invaluable experience and benefits.
Setting out to change your culture often involves taking the long view and we can help your leadership team gain clarity on and execute the key steps for this important journey.
Organizations that develop a culture that supports key Conditions will have a competitive edge in attracting and retaining employees and promoting the teamwork, inclusion, and innovation necessary to execute strategy.
Successful culture change is a leadership commitment, not a project. Leadership is about action—behaving in new ways that set an example. Commitment is needed because employees look to the leaders to see whether their behaviors align with their words.
Rarely are organizational leaders presented with an inflection point where they have an opportunity to shape the future of their organization’s workplace. The timing is perfect for a strategic-level conversation to ensure the organization’s mission and purpose inspire employees to achieve.
The usefulness of organizational culture as a construct for research and an assessment tool for organizations has been well established over the past decades.1 While research and practice involving organizational culture are, to a large extent, associated with for-profit organizations, crucial work in the usefulness of understanding organizational culture for non-profit organizations and its actual impact and practicality can be found in broad sectors of society.
Stress and well-being have been implicated as being associated with employees’ physical health, motivation, and job satisfaction. With proper planning, leaders can help reduce stress and optimize employees’ mental health and these related outcomes.